Saturday, June 14, 2014

summer bucket list

i'm not entirely sure what it was that inspired me to make a summer bucket list. i believe one day i was talking to the lovely emily about some things we wanted to do this summer, and somehow, i ended up starting a list of things i wanted to do before summer kicked the bucket. there are a couple things i maaybe plan to do this summer that i felt too weird about putting on the list and exposing to the internet, or even saying to anyone other than myself as a passing thought which i quickly shoo out of my mind (maybe a winky face should go here, maybe not, you know what i'm saying?). but this stuff all made it.

go to the zoo. i've made so many people promise to go on trips to the zoo with me this summer, and if i don't end up going to the zoo at some point, there will be some serious blind rage come september. there was a phase in my life (it was sometime during middle school, maybe sixth grade), where i went to the zoo approximately 10 times in a couple months, and i probably haven't been back to the zoo since because no one ever wants to go to the zoo with me. if you know me in real life and you wanna go to the zoo, please, let me know. i need more zoo buddies. 

obtain driver's license. don't talk to me about this. i'm 20 and i have no driver's license and two nickelodeon shows have mocked me for this openly in the past, and it hurt my feelings. i've failed two road tests (frowny face) so even though i am the proud owner of my own car (maybe we'll do an episode of mtv cribs about my car in the future) i cannot legally drive it by myself because stupid no driver's license. hopefully this will be corrected soon. 

scrabble tournament. "boy" and i have big scrabble plans, and by "big scrabble plans" i mean we've been talking about playing scrabble together for over a month now when i noticed that on an entire shelving unit in his apartment there was only a rubik's cube and scrabble. it only got better when taylor swift tweeted "Super weird how all of a sudden everyone is busy when I text them "hey want to come over and have a Scrabble tournament??"" and by "better" i mean we needed to play scrabble even more.

go minigolfing. i believe this might be the first big expedition emily and i will go on once i get my license. by big expedition, i mean a 10 minute car ride from my house to the minigolf place. the other plan is the drive in, but that's a bigger expedition. 

finish watching the middle. you know i'm hella into the middle right now.

get belly button pierced. okay, now this one might never get achieved. when i was younger, my dad told me if i ever got a piercing that wasn't on my ears or a tattoo, he would disown me, disinherit me, and kick me out of the house. i think he was kidding. i'm 99% sure he was kidding. that 1% doubt and my massive fear of needles may stop me from achieving this. 

make flower crowns. you don't know how bad i want a flower crown. i found a really nice diy tutorial for making your own flower crowns one time, so i'm going to hopefully do this with emily this summer so that next summer we can go to lots of festivals looking like indie princesses. 

go on a picnic. picnics sound really cute even though they probably aren't, and they sound like something i would do while wearing a flower crown. 

go stargazing. this just sounds all romantic and stuff, and i'm big into romantic and stuff. it's probably not so nice, you probably get bit by lots of mosquitos, and it's probably chilly and gross, but i will try many things that sound romantic and fantastic once. 

catch fireflies. cliche summer yes please.

make a scrapbook. so my estimate is that most of my friends will go back to school before i start classes, you know, since moving in and stuff and we all probably start classes at the same time. so i think i can spend like the last week of my summer chronicling my summer in a scrapbook and that would be kind of cute and fun, right? 

30 day squat challenge. if you've never heard of the 30 day squat challenge, this is a link to it. once upon a time, i was incredibly close to completing it, and then i gave up on like, the last two days because i'm a lazy, lazy son of a bitch. so now i'm going to do it and actually finish it. today is actually day 6. 

go thrifting. i always think that thrifting sounds like a really fun idea, but then i never find anything good, and everything completely reeks of laundry detergent and i have a baby asthma attack in the store, buuuut i feel like it could be fun to go thrifting for stuff to upcycle? i've been kind of into upcycling and sewing lately. 

make popsicles. because i'm allergic to anything, i can't go to the store and buy a box of popsicles and get sticky and disgusting while eating them. but sometimes a girl just wants popsicles, okay?

put on fake tattoos. literally, i don't have any clue. this sounds fun. 

watch the office and arrested development. i feel like these are two things i was supposed to have done long before now, so i plan to achieve them this summer. 

hair chalking. due to allergies to everything, i will never be able to dye my hair funky colors, so once emily finishes her fancy professional job where she can't have weird colored hair (aka sometime in august) we are going to potentially chalk our hair weird funky colors (for some reason this just reminded me of the "spell eye-cup and then say funky colors" thing you used to do to kids when you were little) (if you didn't do this, it's "i see you pee funky colors", which i don't know why we ever thought was funny but i'm still laughing now).

bake a loaf of bread. i keep saying i'm going to bake bread, and it's at a point where my own father believes it is never going to happen, so now i have to make it happen.

have a sleepover. would it be a sort of teenager (i'm not a teenager at all who are you) summer without a sleepover? 

make a summer playlist. this is probably going to be a really lame playlist full of cheesy romantic songs because that's the kind of summer i'm anticipating. like actually. i think it'll be pretty cool to have a list of songs that remind me of the summer of 2014, though. 

watch a sunset. honestly this just falls under the category of more stupid romantic sounding things i want to do. what if i had a picnic while watching the sunset and the picnic was comprised of sandwiches on the bread i baked and at the time i was wearing a flower crown in my chalked hair and then also i was wearing something i thrifted and listening to my summer playlist and also i drove somewhere with my license and then we stayed there and stargazed and caught fireflies and i took pictures of all of this to put in a scrapbook? 

blanket fort. what i really mean by "blanket fort" is that i want to build a super rad blanket canopy and then get under it and watch movies all day with somebody who will snuggle me as it happens. 

ride a carousel. a fact you should know about me is that i really, really like carousels, possibly more than any sane person should love carousels. one time i picked a college to attend based partially on the fact that they had a carousel (it didn't work out), but like, they had a carousel. and i love carousels. 

take up yoga. i always want to be super into yoga and like earthy and healthy and exactly the kind of person you would expect to do yoga, and i figure the first easiest step to doing this would be to start doing yoga in the first place.

establish a morning routine. to be honest, the best times in my life correspond to times when i am sleeping in a regular cycle, getting up early, and doing a morning routine, but instead i generally spend my summers sleeping in and not having any kind of routine. i don't want that this summer. 

and a nighttime routine. i think a nighttime routine might help make a morning routine a little easier, that's all. 

those are all the things on my summer bucket list for now! i might add some more later, or just do some cool stuff and think "wow that should have been on my summer bucket list." i am curious what everyone else plans to do with their summer so please share your feelings with me.

um okay bye,

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