iiiiiiii can go anywhere! no, just kidding, this is totally not a post about reading rainbow because that would be really kind of weird, and honestly i only ever watched reading rainbow for the theme song and then i would turn it off, because well, to be honest, i didn't want to watch a tv show about books -- seems a little counterproductive, you feel me?
when i was little, i was like, a huge bookworm. i used to read every night before i went to bed, and i owned like, 6 book lights, and i also used exclusively poop while reading (now i just text/tweet, let's be real, #endthepooptaboo). anyhow, in tenth grade, after i tutored this older boy in my chemistry class (who i was like real real in love with even though he kind of hated me, but i was brilliant so obviously he wanted me to tutor him, and he paid me like fifteen bucks to hang out with him so i guess that was cool) for our midterm at the library, i lost my library card and henceforth fell out of love with reading.
in the last like, eh, year probably, i became really obsessed with reading, especially because of goodreads. i cannot say enough good things about goodreads, and if you don't have a goodreads account and you read, what are you doing with your life? i currently have 257 books on my "to read" shelf on goodreads, and i'm hoping to make a dent in it this summer. so here's some of my most desired reads for right now!
popular: vintage wisdom for a modern geek by maya van wagenen
from the moment i heard about this book, i knew i wanted to read it. if you haven't heard about this book (to be honest, you're wrong, because you have, you just don't know it by title), maya van wagenen is a teenage girl who found a 1950s "guide to popularity", read it, took its advice, and wrote a book about it. that's a pretty rad cool thing for a teenage girl to do, and it's also allegedly just a great book. i'm pretty excited to read it and see if it's as great as it sounds, but also slightly envious that i did not think of this idea before maya because it's a good idea.
gone girl by gillian flynn
i'm just going to admit it. i know nothing about this book other than that it's (apparently) being turned into a movie, but when i witness book recommendations, i throw myself at them very, very hard. the other day i was hanging out on facebook, as i am prone to doing, and i saw one of "boy"'s friends posted "the lovely [her cousin] told me Gone Girl the movie was made, and debuting on October 3rd, so before the date read this amazing book! I finished it last night at four in the morning it was impossible to put down!" and from that moment forth i knew i was going to read it.
the spectacular now by tim tharp
you may have heard of the spectacular now because it's a super cute movie with shailene woodley in it. i have because it's "boy"'s favorite movie, and he made me watch it, and then the other day, the beautiful and wonderful emily made a post very similar to mine today and brought to my attention that it was actually based on a book, so now i gotta read it. i actually have no idea if the book is supposed to be any good, or if it's going to make the movie suddenly piss me off, so this might be a mistake, but i have to try, you know?
from the moment i heard about this book, i knew i wanted to read it. if you haven't heard about this book (to be honest, you're wrong, because you have, you just don't know it by title), maya van wagenen is a teenage girl who found a 1950s "guide to popularity", read it, took its advice, and wrote a book about it. that's a pretty rad cool thing for a teenage girl to do, and it's also allegedly just a great book. i'm pretty excited to read it and see if it's as great as it sounds, but also slightly envious that i did not think of this idea before maya because it's a good idea.
i'm just going to admit it. i know nothing about this book other than that it's (apparently) being turned into a movie, but when i witness book recommendations, i throw myself at them very, very hard. the other day i was hanging out on facebook, as i am prone to doing, and i saw one of "boy"'s friends posted "the lovely [her cousin] told me Gone Girl the movie was made, and debuting on October 3rd, so before the date read this amazing book! I finished it last night at four in the morning it was impossible to put down!" and from that moment forth i knew i was going to read it.
you may have heard of the spectacular now because it's a super cute movie with shailene woodley in it. i have because it's "boy"'s favorite movie, and he made me watch it, and then the other day, the beautiful and wonderful emily made a post very similar to mine today and brought to my attention that it was actually based on a book, so now i gotta read it. i actually have no idea if the book is supposed to be any good, or if it's going to make the movie suddenly piss me off, so this might be a mistake, but i have to try, you know?
this one has been on my goodreads shelf for a long time, and i probably just came across it in suggestions, but the other day emily, again, brought a book to my attention, this time by telling me it was the first book she'd read in a while, and it was spectacular, so now i guess it finally stands out from the other 257 of them as something i absolutely need to read as soon as possible. like i said, i'm really a huge sucker for unsolicited recommendations, so even if this is completely solicited, go on and tell me more books i need to read in the comments because i'll probably read them like, tomorrow.
i can't even begin to explain white girl problems because it was simply the funniest, most ridiculous thing i've read in a long time. i want to explain it, but i can't. you'll just have to read it. if you need a little motivation to read it, there is honestly a chapter called "maybe people would take me seriously if i wasn't so hot." there's also a brilliant part where she hires a personal trainer who has sex with her as "a workout." you will seriously question (and probably google) whether this book is a real memoir or complete fiction, and i am not going to reveal that answer to you. i've been dying to get my hands on psychos since before it even came out, and this summer, basically, my sole reading mission is to read this book or i might actually die. i made this picture huge because i'm already so pumped about this book and i want the world to know. i want to scream "i love babe walker" from the roof tops.
there are plenty more books i intend to read before the summer is up, but i don't want to over do it. i mean, i have 257 books that i consciously plan to read. this could be one long post if i don't stop now.
um okay bye,
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