so i guess i have some explaining to do, on two fronts. first of all, i just came up with the cheesiest name for this series, so now it's just going to be "princess picks" because i'm a cheesy dweeb, and also because i'm princess of something. this is the last time we'll even mention the horrible uncreative nonsense that is "stuff i like a lot."
second of all, i didn't post on monday. i had a really... intense post that i was going to write for monday, and i just wasn't up for writing it, especially because monday was not exactly what you'd call a good day (i failed another road test, not exactly the biggest ego boost).
anyway, here we go with the actual post, right?
aimless driving. em and i did a whooole bunch of aimless driving two weekends ago, and my dad has been taking me to do a bunch of aimless driving for practice, and i gotta say, it's really calming. the open road and whatnot? i finally kind of get why people like driving so much. i was never really a fan because i used to feel like i was in a rolling metal death trap (still kind of do, can't lie), but all this aimless driving is kind of changing my mind.
the office. i literally have only watched two episodes of the office so far but i can already tell i'm completely and totally hooked.
day zero project. if you don't know about the day zero project, you should totally check it out. i just began my third list (because i failed at the first two) (also a post is probably going up about my list on saturday), and i'm prettttty excited about it. like, too excited about it. you'll see on saturday, maybe, hopefully.
taking selfies. as part of my day zero project, i'm taking a selfie every day for an entire year, and posting them on instagram and it's really made me feel pretty good about myself, in all honesty.
squaaaaaats. i go through a phase every few months now, it seems, where squats are the best thing to ever happen to me. last night i did my daily set of squats for the 30 day squat challenge, and then i thought about crying tears of joy because i felt so good and powerful and happy. oops.
um okay bye,
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