be not alarmed; this post has nothing whatsoever to do with the jonas brothers. you may now all breathe a sigh of relief.
i know what you're saying to yourself. monday is post day, not tuesday. i know. emily even sent me a text about it and was all, "was there a post that was supposed to go up today?" and i was all, "no i was super lazy and spent all of sunday night watching the middle" (if you watch the middle, feel free to read that last sentence in axl's voice because that was the tone i typed it in).
but it was okay. because the post that was supposed to go up yesterday was a forever 21 haul, aaaaand by chance, today, i went to forever 21 again, so now you only have to suffer through one haul, not one haul and a baby haul, and therefore i figured, why not throw a bonus jonas in there too and include my kohl's purchase from friday. so here we go. i dropped a lot of money on stupid clothes, and i'm sorry, i'm trying to be a better person, but i'm just not.
so my first set of purchases, and the bulk of this haul, was made online a couple weeks ago. the real reason i made this purchase is because i'm addicted to purchasing shorts (i have a problem and any time i go anywhere with anyone now i tell them to not let me go near any shorts because it's seriously embarrassing how many shorts i have, i mean, i only have one pair of legs). but anyway, i only owned one pair of high waisted denim shorts, and they were getting some serious wear time, so i figured maybe i should purchase some more, just for convenience's sake.
i bought both of these pairs of shorts in a 28, because the levi's i own are a 28, and a lot of people said they sized up from their normal forever 21 pant size in the review. apparently listening to reviewers was a mistake, because both of these pairs of shorts were huge on me. huge. but forever 21's return shipping policy kind of sucks, they fit really nice in the hips (they were really only extremely loose in the waist, to be honest. as in i could pull them down and wear them as low rise shorts with a drop crotch which is not a good look or a good quality to have in high waisted shorts), and i really didn't want to wait for more pairs to come, so i kept them and figured i was crafty enough to make it work. so far i've taken in the ones with the pink bleached spots, and you can barely even tell i took them in. i will gladly show y'all how i did that if you want to see, it was actually pretty easy.
because i have this shorts buying problem, i tend to end up with a loooot of bottoms and not many shirts to wear them with, so i'm trying to find more shirts (i literally wear the same 4 shirts -- that are the same shirt in four different colors -- basically year round and that's it unless i'm wearing a sweater or a sweatshirt) so i can diversify.
because i have this shorts buying problem, i tend to end up with a loooot of bottoms and not many shirts to wear them with, so i'm trying to find more shirts (i literally wear the same 4 shirts -- that are the same shirt in four different colors -- basically year round and that's it unless i'm wearing a sweater or a sweatshirt) so i can diversify.
so i ordered a couple shirts, but mainly crop tops. the only one that actually isn't cropped is the beaaaautiful greenish bluish watercolor one (this shirt was a little pricey for forever 21, in my opinion, but it's absolutely gorgeous and seems extremely high quality so far). so basically right now i've only helped myself for the summer, oops. they're all really nice length crop tops though. i have an excruciatingly long torso, so usually buying crop tops is like, literally 75% of my torso hanging out, and that's not what i'm about. i want like, a strip of skin right above high waisted shorts, and that's what these shirts give me! you'll see the black one in tomorrow's outfit of the day.
also um, hey, can we talk about this one navy blue polka dotted shirt because um. hello. the back. the back of this shirt was the whole reason i bought this because i'm like painfully in love with open backed clothes right now. this, unfortunately, also makes this shirt most likely the least practical article of clothing i own, but i figure i'll find a time to wear it. because. like. hi. beautiful perfect back. also, this shirt is the thickest, nicest, stretchiest material of all time, waay better than i expect from f21. since i'm president of the itty bitty titty committee, i don't even have to wear a bra under it. a++, f21.
but like i said, i headed to an actual forever 21 store yesterday with one of my friends, kind of on a whim. she actually bought the super cute polka dotted shirt i bought but in a different color, and then we bought two of the same shirts. we were both on a crop top pursuit, though neither of us is really sure why. i think after wearing the black crop top i bought online, i wanted more like it, but unfortunately the only solid crop tops i could find were like, extremely short. like, just barely covering the bottom of my bra short. kristina does not like that. butttt i found two crop tops that were manageably long enough.
but like i said, i headed to an actual forever 21 store yesterday with one of my friends, kind of on a whim. she actually bought the super cute polka dotted shirt i bought but in a different color, and then we bought two of the same shirts. we were both on a crop top pursuit, though neither of us is really sure why. i think after wearing the black crop top i bought online, i wanted more like it, but unfortunately the only solid crop tops i could find were like, extremely short. like, just barely covering the bottom of my bra short. kristina does not like that. butttt i found two crop tops that were manageably long enough.
to be honest, i didn't really see myself liking the tank top one, and i just kind of tried it on because my friend was trying it on, but it's soo cute and so flattering. the tribal print one is a little more off white/beige-y than it looks in the picture, and it's veerrrry see-through, so i haven't quite figured out how to deal with that yet, but i'll work it out. i ended up spending like, 15 bucks on two shirts, so i figured even if i don't wear them a lot, it's probably alright.
and now, the bonus jonas. i took a quick trip to kohl's with my mom and my sister on friday. my mom was on the pursuit for new shirts because she can't seem to find like, 50% of her short sleeve shirts, and my sister was on pursuit of job interview clothes, but i was just kind of on pursuit of nothing, but then... these shorts happened to me.
they were labeled "soft shorts" and had elephants on them and pockets, so it was a done deal. they look like a veeerrry short skirt and they're very comfortable and my love for them should be equated to my love for skorts because you get the comfort of shorts with the cute flirtiness of a skirt, so it was basically over from the moment i saw them on the rack. i actually went back over to the rack to see if they had a different print in my size, but they didn't so my heart was broken.
i probably should put myself on a shopping ban for a while, considering i am making no money and all i seem to want to buy is summer clothes buuuuut when fall comes around i'm probably going to need new fall/winter clothes. oops.
um okay bye,
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