a little under a year and a half ago, on january 26, 2013, the newest member of my family came home. she joined us to become the most spoiled dog of all time. when i met her on december 29th, she was 20 days old, weighed just about a pound, and was all snuggled up with her sister and three brothers, looking remarkably like rufus the naked mole rat from kim possible (if you don't want to play the rufus bueno nacho game now, you're lying). i shall spare you the images of her at this phase in her life, because honestly she wasn't that cute and is cuter now.

but once she came home, she was damn adorable. and annoying. she used to do the most yippiest bark in the world, and she's still pretty yippy, but i accept her. when she first came home, she was afraid of the kitchen floor, couldn't even do the single step from our family room into our kitchen, and couldn't even dream of hopping on the couch. it's funny because i think she's so small now, but really, she came home like a third of the size she currently is. but she's still small enough that i get to carry her around like the baby that she is.

oh right, but annoying. she's afraid of bowls, so we have to feed her off a spare kitchen floor tile. sometimes she drinks out of glasses. sometimes she refuses to eat. sometimes she forgets to finish pushing when she's pooping so i have to wipe my dog's ass. but i wouldn't trade her for the world. the puppy love is real in this house. there's no other dog i will let lick my face (sometimes in my mouth no shame). if any other dog peed on me, i would lose my mind. my love for this dog is unreal. i think i love her more than 99.9% of people i know.

be real, no other dog is going to let me put her in a halloween costume and love it, or be happier once i put a bow in her hair than she was before it was in. get. real. being the first and only dog i've ever owned means that knowing her for the past year and a half has been a constant adventure of ankle nibbling, leg jumping, chasing around the house, and a constant hilarious case of the "zoomies" (if you have a small dog i promise you know what i'm talking about if you think hard enough).
but like i said, nobody's got my heart like you do, penny. happy half birthday! thank you for a year and a half of kisses, naps, farts in my face, and loving, and hopefully here is to many many years more.
um okay bye,
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